Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Are you my Mother?

A Mother bird sat on her egg. The egg jumped.
“Oh oh!” said the mother bird, "My baby will be here! He will want to eat."
"I must get something for my baby bird to eat!" she said, "I will be back!"
So away she went.
The egg jumped. It jumped, and jumped, and jumped! Out came the baby bird!

The baby bird sat up and looked around.
"Mother!" he said, "What have you done to the tree?"
"This is not a tree, this is a hanging basket!"
"And what are those large, noisy, two legged, flesh coloured, creatures doing in my story?"
"I am not in the right story!" "Help!"

This May was pretty cool, so the kids weren't spending much time out by the swimming pool. A robin decided she found the perfect spot for her nest -quiet, secluded, sheltered. Oops. We had a robin trying to build a nest in a couple of hanging baskets in our greenhouses in early May. It's a bit puzzling as to why there are pieces of string coming out of the hanging basket, but it all makes sense when you have a closer look and find a partially built nest in it! I move those hanging baskets before the mother robin gets settled in, and I guess she gave up on the greenhouse subdivision, and started building on the waterfront property! She chose to build in a Calliope Red Geranium basket -new and trendy indeed !
We're carefully watering the flowers so the leaves continue to provide shelter for the four baby birds, other than that we try to leave them alone. We've had nests in hanging baskets before, and the birds make out just fine.

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